The Cameroon Farmers empowerment and development organization
CAFEDO In Action.
We enhance decent lives for people in need through capacity building, support and referrals.
increasing bird production
We enhance access in increasing the quality and quantity of production for local grassroot farmers and enhance decent life for people in need.
We offer capacity building in poultry farming
Poultry farming
Come join us
We need to reshape our own perception of how we view ourselves as a community. We have to step up and take the lead.
We organize inclusive events and Animal farm Tours.
cafedo since 2010
To enhance sustainable access to increasing the quality and quantity of production for local grass root farmers, ensure and buildup inclusive social development for improved quality of life for all.
cafedo since 2010
Our main aim is to provide youths with professional skill, development and learning opportunity for poor and young people and women to strengthen them. We support the initiative aimed at poverty reduction in line with the sustainable development goals and targets while also making referrals for better quality and professional services.
cafedo since 2010
The main objective is to contribute to young generation professional development, implementation and scale up of evidence-based and cost-effective intervention in young professionals, women and social sector.
Cameroon Farmers Empowerment and Development Organization (CAFEDO) is an independent, non-governmental and non-profit organization with diverse areas of work which brings about the different programmes and projects for youth professionalism and women empowerment. This help to identify areas of interested fields and motivation to engage in different sectors. Since youth can contribute to holistic development of the nation, much effort is geared towards youth’s entrepreneurship and advancement of science & technology. Consequently, they become initiative & enthusiastic to create a perfect society & the nation as expected. In this regard, we believe that CAFEDO can play a crucial role in nation-building as well and finally succeeds to achieve its goals.
However, the major working areas of CAFEDO are:
1. Research in youth professionalism
2. Youth Involvement in Agriculture
3. Education/vocational trainings
4. Mental health and psychosocial support activities
5. Reproductive health including family planning
6. Climate change and Environment
7. Social work
8. Youth and Women Empowerment
9. Socio-culture and Economic Advancement
10. Youth Capacity Development
As a non-profitable nongovernmental organization CAFEDO is mainly concerned with implementing non-profitable social work in the field of youth, women, education, health, environment and economic development. We focus on providing opportunities and involvement of young generation and development of professionalism for creativity, community enhancement and development and prosperity.
Basically, CAFEDO function in research and development of social issue. Youth Professionalism & Involvement in agriculture, Natural Resource Conservation / Climate Change, Women Empowerment, Social and Economic Advancement, Primary Health and Education. We also provide opportunity to those people who are looking for professionalism through our partnering with Organization for Women Development (OWED), the Carpentry and Joinery Association (CJA), sector clusters/ministries and other local vocational training center/workshops.